Computer Science for Web Programming
This course provides an introduction of web-programming techniques that use HTML, CSS and JavaScript as web development essentials. The concepts of web development are very important in the modern world as they are linked in all the sectors. Having the high advantage of web programming pushes your child a step ahead for a better future.

We rely on websites not just for entertainment and social networking, but for our professions, our finances, our education, and even aspects of our health care. The technologies that run these services are intricate and varied, but there are frameworks and principles that use common languages like HTML and Python that can give you a jump start in building your own web apps.

The course covers topics
  • Basics of HTML
  • Web page layout
  • Basic of CSS 
  • Organisation of Web content 
  • Building basic website
  • Basics of JavaScript 
  • Guide to complete Website Design

The Benefits of this program
This program helps for an extensive creative thinking ability. The course also covers modern web designs. Guiding them to build the most latest designs and layouts for the modern era. 

Other advantages include
Improved creative thinking skill
Improved social skills
Improved computer programming skills
Improved understanding of color schemes